Oh hello!
Nice to have a visitor. On this website you can find a selection of things I've been tinkering with in the past few years. Who knows maybe we could do something together? Let me know if you feel like having a talk.

I'm convinced that a true thing poorly presented, is a lie (thx Stephen Fry). Communication is important to me.
I think curiosity is severely underrated. Theres always more to things than meets the eye.
I believe in the power of honest discussions.
I strive to be a curator in the information age. A person who manages information and presents it in an interesting way.
I believe that play can be a good approach to all kinds of serious matters. Breaking established rules in a safe space is a fantastic way towards new creative ideas.
"Why" is my favourite question, and I like to ask it a lot. I find that we should often re-evaluate why we are doing what we are doing.
Spending time on Wikipedia (and sometimes YouTube) is hands down the best way to procrastinate! =)